The church AGAIN

On Sunday – after our cultural experience of Shakespeare the night before – we went to “the church” for an afternoon of boozing and crazy ruckus, talk about one extreme to the other!

We had planned to go back when we booked the Shakespeare tickets as Tim, Louisa, Toni and Debra hadn’t been before. Nicki Brown (a pal from school) had also arrived in London since then so was a good chance to catch up with her too. We started the day by meeting for a yummy cooked breakfast and champers at Tim & Louisa’s flat. At 12pm we made the move to Kentish Town and paid the stupid door-charge of £7 to enter the icky madness that is the church. Now you might recall we went to the church when Hollie was over on holiday way back in April, and although I had a great day I didn’t handle the daytime drinking too well and didn’t think I’d ever do it again…fast-forward six months and we are at it again! This time our "theme" was to each dress in a sngle colour...dressing up makes for more silliness so it's a must

We had the funniest time and again took a zillion pics (I must stop posing with drinks...)! Around 4:30pm at closing we made a very entertaining tube trip to the Shepherds Bush Walkabout, well when I say “we” I mean everyone apart from Niki…who headed straight home to deal with a premature hangover! Moderation isn’t a word in his vocabulary obviously.

We indulged in mince pies and a variety of drinks, danced our hearts out and met some nice and not so nice people. Later Toni, Nicki and I caught up with Nicki’s friends (accompanied by one of the nice people, joined to Nicki’s lips! Hehe) at a nearby bar where we were entertained by a brilliant kiwi singer/guitarist. A very fun day/night had by all… although I tell ya Monday was a hard day to get though!!

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