Paunaui Daaaaarling

I went away for the weekend with my old workmates from James & Wells. A group of us gals have been going to Pauanui for nearly 2 years now, every 3-4 months Renae's lovely family lets us stay at their awesome holiday home on the waterways.

It is very beautiful and FLASH there, it’s not unusual to see a Ferrari or an Aston Martin, or to own a heli-pad and a boat and a holiday home with 5 bathrooms etc. So I fit in perfectly of course =)

We always do a joint shop consisting of items for 2 massive cooked breky’s and plenty of snacks, and everyone brings a fair bit of booze. Usually the first wine gets opened at 11am (Shelena u booze hag) and we lounge around on the deck drinking, relaxing, snacking and talking girl talk for the day… b4 missioning to get fish’n chips and cranking out more drinks and a variety of games.

But not this weekend… this weekend we were lucky enough to get to go out on the boat (not that that stopped people drinking b4 12pm). We got geared up in our wetsuits and snorkelling gear. A rather large sting ray was soon spotted lying on the bottom of the ocean. It was quite cool, but also a bit scarey (CRIKEY!) so I didn’t stay near it long. We saw a few fish but no Nemo. Also had a paddle in the dinghy, well we tried… it looks so easy but we were just going round and round in circles!

After a bit of lunch I decided to go in the water again (gotta make the most of these opportunities). I was all geared up and in the water and taking a few deep breaths through the snorkel to calm myself (I’m still a newbie at this) then put my face in the water and took a deep breath again…unfortunately my snorkel was on incorrectly and had fallen under water, so I inhaled a massive amount of salt water! Yuck! I pulled myself up a bit on the end of the boat and spewed it all out! (a few lunch chunks too much to the girls’ disgust!) After that, and the fear of more sting rays, my adventure soon came to an end and I was content to sit on the boat! Hopefully will have some pics to upload soon...Hayley in a wetsuit...SEXY!

That night we were all pretty shattered, but had a good time playing singstar and having a few drinks…

Another weekend not hungover! I’m getting good at this =)

Another Saturday Night, Another Drinking Game…

The weekend was going to be a quiet one and I was fine with that because of the crazy weekends surrounding it. Friday night started with a few drinks at the “club” (campus club onsite at AgResearch…cheap drinks & mostly old people! THRILLS), a surprise quick visit from Hollie & Lola, and a random decision to get a dvd out with the flatties…Nacho Libre …very random, corny & Jack Blackish…but still surprisingly “funny” and even though I was half asleep I wanted to see the end!

Saturday was brilliant weather, good for me and my 3 loads of washing that needed to be done…got a few of the “bitch” duties out of the way and then we missioned up to Chartwell where Niki soon got bored and left me to wander the shops =) I love shopping…needed to get a few shameless bits & pieces for Lisa’s hens nite coming up and a presy for a special girl’s b-day next Tuesday (24 aye Kimmy!).

I also tried to exchange some old coins but the banks no longer take them…so I put them back in my bag, but after awhile my shoulder/back really started to ache from the weight of the coins…so in the bin they went! It was the strangest feeling “throwing money away”…

Saturday arvo we were invited to my flatmate’s boyfriend’s flat for a bbq and drinks, but they don’t have SKY so Niki & Doug were too glued to the tele to accompany me! Had a good night, yum feed and learnt a new way to do veges! Was lovely and laxed and all of a sudden an evil bottle of jagermeister appeared, shots were forced upon me!! (Canadians…why they love it so much who knows! seriously it tastes like cough syrup!). Then I got taught Canadian-Mexican …I didn’t even know how to play “Mexican” so it was a bit tricky but quite fun…and you’re forever drinking!

Then it was decided we’d go to town, at first I wasn’t so keen - hello I was in BBQ clothes…jandals, ponytail…not looking my usual glam self! But was soon convinced otherwise and after a rocky start to the taxi (would Tarra make it or not?) it was all good. We danced up a storm, drank plenty of water and I caught a cab home at 2am… felt super fine in the morning J YAY I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. Unfortunately Tarra didn’t have quite as good fortune in that department.

Sunday slept in, did the groceries, played mini putt (I was the worse by far) and lazed around for the rest of the arvo…. Monday’s come way too quick!

Oh what a night...

Saturday 10 Feb, Girls Nite, Tauranga...

Take one great group of gals: Marica, Kirsty, Tina, Debra, Lisa, Hollie, Marica, Toni, Kirsty E & me... Glam up (Yes Tauranga is ready for micro shorts)... Find a fab BYO restaurant...bring a bottle of wine EACH, and voila = Crazy girls nite out!

ok so we were responsible and ordered meals (and even ate some of it), which was a good start - but somehow we still managed to get totally written and have a HUGE night. I blame it on the few vodkas i had whilst "getting ready"(we were an hour late!), or maybe it was the yummy bottle of Asti, the 40th bday celebration shots, or the countless shakers shared by all!! Who knows, all i know is that the night ended with me bulemic-style spewing in the library carpark... a sight to see indeed (but i felt pretty good the next day...not that I'm condoning...)

I tell ya it's a great idea to befriend hospo staff & party with them, they know all the right places and we especially love the staff discounts, thx Toni! Home bar seemed to draw us back time again and since we were in town early straight from dinner i actually enjoyed it in there... there was room to walk, always a bonus! and I'm pleased to say not a foot was set in Grumpy...well not my feet anyway! Talking about feet, it always amazes me how i can walk so well in heels when I'm drunk and my feet don't hurt or anything... yet a sober day at the office requires flats!

anyway a brilliant night had by all (I think), some parts are fuzzy...and a few creeping thoughts surface that I'm too old to be doing this anymore! But I quickly send those thoughts packing :)

All good - a big thank you to Marica & Kirsty for organising the girls night xo

Next up Pauanui weekend, Hen's Weekend & then Lisa & Lindsay's wedding....oh my poor liver

ok ok ok

so, ok sorry, I'm already getting crap at keeping my blog up-to-date! But in my defense we left our digital camera in Tauranga a few weeks ago, and let's be honest - a blog's no fun without pics! We will, after this weekend, be connected to broadband at home so after that NO excuses...

Had a good couple of weeks, loving the stat days & the good weather :) Was called up on jury duty last week and got on a case...was all very interesting/boring but a good experience i think.

played 18 holes Pitch 'n Putt Sunday and then again Waitangi Day. Lots of fun, although i'm sure I was worse the second time!

Tonight we're off to the Chiefs game and tomorrow i head to Tauranga for a girls nite, looking forward to it...

so yeah that brings us back to the present day and I will be better at keeping my blog current from now on, promise :)

Have a great weekend