We have booked tickets with Busabout to tour around Northern Europe in October!!! (Amsterdam, Prague, Paris, Bruge...etc etc). The tickets were 50% off so we are stoked! It's kind of like Contiki tour...but not really. You pay for the coach travel, but u can stay in each place as long as you want. The coaches come on certain days to certain places. Basically it's a lot more freedom but without the hassle of missing trains and finding hostels yourself in foreign language countries, which was the worst thing about our Italy trip.
There is a tour guide on board and you can do actiivites as a group, but if you didn't get along with your group you could just stay a place an extra night and meet up with a new crowd. Friends have done it and sounds like lots of fun and a great way to meet people so we are looking forward to it!! We are in the process of quitting jobs and moving out of our flat... It's all go. We have to have our trip completed by 30 Oct as the Busabout season ends...but we may travel a bit more after that - possibly visit a few friends in different places! And then after that we are either doing a ski season in France or moving to Scotland or Ireland for a wee while! Just in time for a freezing winter!!