Testing 1 2 3

Hey all, Hope you are all well. I'm VERY excited as this is my first time blogging! Thought I'd jump on the band wagon and get the hang of this as we plan to do our OE later in the year and will have plenty of awesome stories to tell ya'll then I'm sure :) and I promise to keep our blog slightly more update than Kim's...although that won't be too hard!

Notice how it's Hayley & Niki's blog! how very coupley of me... you know how Miss Idependent I usually am :) I figure there's no way Niki will be this organised and his poor mum will never hear what's going on! So since I can type faster (one of my many talents) it makes sense for me to take over... although one of my New Years Resolutions was to be less bossy and organised!! haha maybe next year :)

Anyway I'll sign off now as I want to see what happens when I push the "Publish" button. ooooohhhh here i go...

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